The first week of school can be intimidating for students—especially a newcomer like an incoming 9th grader to a high school. Students gravitate toward familiar faces and locations in the hallways but for the newcomers making the decision where to stand and who to hang out with can be very stressful.
As I stand in the halls before school, after school and during the passing periods I try to read the facial expressions of our students. I want every student to feel comfortable in our school but the reality is they all won’t—at least for a little while. So how can we help the newcomers to our school? Well…how about everyone simply saying hello to a stranger once a day. This may seem simple but could be very powerful.
Saying hello to a stranger can initiate a smile, start a conversation or begin a friendship. At the very least it is a genuine way to build community and welcome newcomers to our school. We are all Huskies…even the nervous “Pups”. I am looking to the students who know the culture of the school to say hello to a stranger!
So students, if I come up to you and say hello don’t be alarmed or scared. I just want you to feel comfortable in your new school. This is your home now—so please enjoy and make the most of every moment!